

WheresMilo? #wheresMilo

Today, the 4th June 2012 I am launching #wheresMilo a new photo project dedicated to the travels of the ReCut Milo table designed by Tristan Titeux. The #wheresMilo project is a fun way of spotting all the weird, interesting places that I will photograph him in as well as interesting and also famous people that I

Paint Eco, natural plant based paint.

Paint Eco is a young paint company based in Latvia. I had the pleasure of speaking with Julija Simkovica, Paint Eco's General Manager at EcoBuild this year in London. Talking to Julija, I got a very warm feeling that they where a great company who really cared about the environment, and where not just  jumping

Kokoboard, made from natural waste by-products.

Kokoboard is a social enterprise born from the desire to want to help people as well as the environment. That alone makes me want to support Kokoboard. The fact that the boards they produce are made from waste by products is the icing on the cake for me. Monday I had the pleasure

Wooden Sky Scrapers, better than steel & concrete?

This is a responce I posted on the CNN website about the construction of wooden sky scrapers.   I was really emoted to write a long responce to many negative comments based on peoples preconseptions and shortsightenes about wood and lack of understanding about sustainability.   "I cannot believe how negative some people are. And