

Milo at Nama raw organic foods

Original text from Instagram 10th March 2013: "#wheresMilo Milo is with Irene Arango and Rich Havardi from Nama foods, a raw food restaurant, 19 Lonsdale Road, Queens Park, London. They both cook the most beautiful and delicious food. You will be delighted, feel light and healthy, but don't forget to have desert too though, they are mind

Milo with Stefan Lubo

Original Text: "#wheresMilo is with @stefanlubo the great photographer who took pictures of Milo for my first brochure. #recut Stefan has a fascinating history, his family tree goes back over 600 years in Poland. Look out for the blog post I will write about him soon. Tristan Titeux" Stefan Lubomirski de Vaux is a great person to be with, he

Milo with Satish Kumar

Original Text from Instagram 24 July 2012: "#wheresMilo Milo is with Satish Kumar, editor of Resurgence & The Ecologist magazine. In his 20's Satish walked on an 8000 mile journey from India to America with no money to deliver a message of Peace to the 4 leaders of the nuclear nations. He passed through Moscow, Paris,

Milo with Wastewatch

Original text: "#wheresMilo is visiting @waste_watch to talk about The ReCut series of furniture and getting kids involved." (The ReCut series is now called the Milo series) http://www.wastewatch.org.uk/ Wastewatch is a charity dedicated to reducing waste in the UK. I visited them with Milo to do a presentation about Milo and waste, and hopefully get Wastewatch to integrate Milo in

WheresMilo? #wheresMilo

Today, the 4th June 2012 I am launching #wheresMilo a new photo project dedicated to the travels of the ReCut Milo table designed by Tristan Titeux. The #wheresMilo project is a fun way of spotting all the weird, interesting places that I will photograph him in as well as interesting and also famous people that I